Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Drying her sopping wet hair she looks over at the clock. "Great, only twenty minutes before class." she thinks to herself. It always seemed she was pressed for time these days...never two minutes to herself.
Looking into the mirror she almost forgets to put on her face. She has a whole routine, moisturizer, foundation...the works. The guys tell her that she looks beautiful with out makeup....she thinks they are full of it. As she looks at herself she wonders how anyone could possible be attracted to her, how anyone could think she was beautiful.
"shut up and focus." she tells herself. She always got lost in thought or in a song and was always late.
Ahh, eyeliner, the final touch. It seemed to be the one thing that pulled everything together. It was almost like her safety net. As long as she looked okay on the outside, then no one would know that she was hurting on the inside. The looks, the remarks-even the stuff said behind her back-no one would know that that stuff actually cut her deep.
They wouldn't know that when she locks her door at night she falls to pieces, feeling alone and vulnerable she cries herself to sleep. Not that they cared anyway. They wouldnt ever inquire about the mask she puts on daily. No one would ever see her with her guard down.
It would be ok, she would just flash them her all too familiar smile and no one would be none the wiser. They would see that smile and they would think she was happy.
Glancing at her reflection she decides this is about as good as it will get. Grabbing her books she heads for the door and is ready to start the day.

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