Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Your jaded and your tired. Exhausted and worn out. Wishing that it was just spelled out for you. Your sick of this whole scene. Each morning feels the same and to no avail does it change. You don't see a point in it all anymore. For once a upon a time you had reason in your life, something worth living for. You saw the the tears and hurt, and it reminded you of yourself. That gave you something to strive for-you were useful again. The tears were made into smiles and laughter, and that fueled your day. You sought after that with everything that you were...and then some. Growing up you didn't want to be the one put in charge, the person who only saw the tears. But now you long to be needed again. To be the example that was so loving to you. You want to be the arms that held you when you hurt so.
But here you are, stuck in this pit...your not sure how you got there to begin with. You've come to loathe everything about where you've come to be.
No one would even know, but that isn't the real you. For once you had such an aura, vibrancy for life. You saw your path and you took it. The soft breeze and the glow of it all held for you a certain trance...a fascination of the mind.
The simplest of adversity leaves you feeling colorless and searching for hope. Alas child, see the new day dawning. The rising sun that sears across the morning sky. You have something to live for.
You haven't lost your hope, just be patient. You will find your way.

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