Her dreams seem to haunt her like bad memeories. As she wakes up, still tired, she replays the dream in her head. She can see her home, specifically rooms in her home. The kitchen, the dining room, but more specifically the back room. Just a small room off the kitchen. It had served as type of storage room. There was a large deep freeze that grandpa had boughten Grandma.A whole cabinet full of food Gram had canned over previous summers. Sometimes the girl questioned how good that food really was. Also all of mama's boxes of stuff that really didnt get put anywhere. The carpet was old and never really got vacumned. There were two windows, the one you could see out the back yard and the other showed a constant remiender of the neighbors needed privacy, as it looked onto their wooden fence. Acouple of rocking chairs, a dresser full of various things, and no one could forget Gram's plants. Plants of every size, shape and kind. The most intresting of all the plants though was the aloe vera plant. It had always seemed to facinate her.
She couldnt for the life of her understand why, out of all the rooms that she had grown up in, why this is the room she dreampt about. She had never spent that much time in there. But the funny thing was, when she dreamed about it, it seemed almost real. When she woke up and realized that was not her reality, the girl was stuck in her emotions. It had been so real to her. From the way it looked to the way it smelled.
The girl remembers one particular time in the room. It was her eleventh birthday and her mama had gotten her, her first portable CD player and her first CD. Shania Twain. The girl took it to the back room and placed the head phones on her head and beguan to immerse herself in the music. The backroom had never had a door, that she knew of, just a doorway and acouple of blankets attached to the top. It was so hard to keep the house heated in the winter time, so mama would just keep that room seculded. With no door you wouldnt have heard anyone come in, as high as the girls music was, she wouldnt have noticed it anyways.
Getting into the music the girl start to wail away as she dances. Perhaps this is the first time she knew she wanted to sing. Oh now she was getting into it, trying to match her voice and not having a care in the world. Until she turned around.
There stands her mother, red faced and weeping from all the laughter.
"MOM!" the girl exclaimed. "alright alright im leaving!" her mother laughs
While the girl still doesnt understand why she dreams dreams such as these, she is thankful for the escape from reality. A moment to forget what is goin on around her and to just remember.
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